Numeracy Week

EMP celebrated numeracy week during week 8 with numerous activities including plane flying, Kahoot and guessing the jelly beans in the jar. Well done to everyone who participated!


Foundation students participated in several activities to celebrate Science Week, Literacy week and Numeracy Week. They enjoyed their first Character Parade, witnessed some awesome experiments and participated in indoor and outdoor activities. They also learnt the letter X and graphing. Well done to the Foundation students for being active learners throughout this term.

Grade 1


Grade 1s are learning how kindness looks, feels and sounds like. Students had a discussion about how kindness is treating your friends as yourself. A kind person is helpful and has a generous attitude. We discussed how kindness can improve our well-being and make our school and our world a better place.

Grade 2


Hands-on learning is very popular in the 2C classroom that simply means the students are active learners where they are exploring with materials, learning by doing, moving throughout the classroom, and interacting with one another. The teacher often begin her inquiries with how: How do you know that ⅓ is larger than ¼ and why this is so. This encourage students to discuss their thinking out loud and brainstorm other strategies to get the same solution.


As grade 2s we enjoy having our students that are active, engaged and creative in their learning. For English students had the opportunity to make their own lanterns and then wrote a procedure on how they made it.

Grade 4

Looking at Soil

In grade 4 we have taken the time to look at the 3 type of soil we have. Students were given the opportunity to bring different types of soil from their own garden and then share it amongst their peers to evaluate and observe the difference in grain, type, colour and smell of the soil samples brought in. Students had lots of fun and then discussed their finding with each other. We decided that some of the samples of soil brought in were definitely better than some of the others. Here are some pictures grade 4D students at work.

My name is Hifsa Banoori. I am s student from Sirius College. My teacher is Mrs. Saide Guncaldi. In Integrated studies Mrs. Saide taught me Photosynthesis which is a process plants use to make their own food. Our class also knows about the parts and their functions of the flower. During Numeracy we have learnt about length conversions. For English we have studied persuasive text. I have learnt a lot during this term. Looking forward for next term.

Hifsa Banoori
Grade 4C